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Surrogacy Program

Since the implementation of the Assisted Reproductive Technology Act (2022) in India, Mamamia ART Bank has been able to facilitate surrogacy arrangements. Surrogacy is a highly complex process and there are many important steps in place to ensure all parties are well informed. In surrogacy, an embryo is created using an egg and sperm produced by the intended parent(s) (or donors), and is transferred into the surrogate’s uterus. Normally, the surrogate has no genetic link to the child. We are also required by legislation to ensure that the surrogacy arrangement has been approved by the Appropriate Authority.

Who can be a surrogate?

Under Indian law, matters to be considered by the Appropriate Authority in deciding application for approval of surrogacy arrangement is:

  1. The surrogate must have previously carried a child and given birth to a live child,
  2. The surrogate must be at least 23 years of age,
  3. The surrogate’s eggs must not be used in the conception of the child.

Surrogacy involves assisted reproduction. If the intending parent is using her own eggs, they will be collected after an IVF treatment cycle and fertilised with her partner’s sperm. The embryo will then be inseminated into the surrogate.

Egg Donors


Surrogacy We Done

Who is eligible to commission a surrogate for childbirth?

Under India law, a person is eligible to commission a surrogate if they are:

  1. Unlikely to become pregnant,
  2. Unlikely to be able to carry a child or give birth
  3. Likely to place their life or health (or that of the baby) at risk if they become pregnant, carry the baby or give birth.

Our medical guidelines for surrogacy include:

  1. Absence of the uterus,
  2. An abnormality of the uterus preventing safe pregnancy,
  3. Other medical conditions making pregnancy too risky for the mother or baby.

Surrogacy involves assisted reproduction. If the intending parent is using her own eggs, they will be collected after an IVF treatment cycle and fertilised with her partner’s sperm. The embryo will then be inseminated into the surrogate.

How do you find a surrogate?

A woman must decide to become a surrogate for altruistic reasons in India. In other words, the birth mother does not receive any payment other than reasonable reimbursement of medical expenses associated with the pregnancy and birth. As an intending parent, you must find your own surrogate. Advertising to find someone to act as your surrogate is illegal, and payment for surrogacy is illegal. It is also illegal for a woman to advertise that she is willing to act as a surrogate.

What are the costs associated with surrogacy?

Treatment costs associated with surrogacy will vary, depending on the individual arrangement. We will discuss these with you during your first medical consultation. To find out more information about the Mamamia surrogacy program call our Surrogacy Programme Coordinator on 7902811000.