04844862423, 7594911000 |  Info@mamamialife.com

Become an egg donor

By donating your eggs, you’re donating the love and pure joy of helping someone else grow their family. If you’re considering becoming an egg donor, we’d love to hear from you.

Who can be an egg donor?

Who all can donate egg

  1. Egg donors are required to be aged between 23 and 32.
  2. Married and having a child
  3. Weight below 75kg
  4. Prior to proceeding with donation, all potential egg donors (and their partners, if applicable) will undertake a minimum of two counseling sessions and screening blood tests, and will complete a Genetic and Medical Health Questionnaire.
  5. Where there is a family history of genetic or medical conditions, a clinical geneticist provides an assessment of potential risks to future offspring.


Egg Donors

The Egg Donation Process

Speak to our donor team

They’ll explain the entire process and answer any questions.


Counseling is scheduled for both you as the donor and the intending recipient (and your respective partners, if applicable). Counseling is mandatory, and is an opportunity to discuss donor treatment and its implications.

Consult with a fertility specialist

They’ll get to know you, and your medical history. This can include screening blood tests and a medical health questionnaire.

Egg collection

Once consent has been signed alongside the counselor, an egg collection will be organized. Being an egg donor involves the first two steps of an IVF cycle to have the eggs collected. For donors who know the recipient, if the intention is to transfer fresh embryos, the donor’s stimulated cycle is coordinated with the intending recipient’s cycle. Before an egg collection procedure, you will be given medication to grow the number of eggs normally produced. This is monitored (as for an IVF-stimulated cycle) by the fertility specialist and will usually involve two to three vaginal ultrasound scans. The donor egg collection procedure is then performed under a light general anesthetic and takes around 20 minutes. It is usually performed in our associate hospitals.

Donation to the recipients

Your eggs will then be donated to the recipients. The process for them involves collecting the sperm and fertilizing the donated eggs in the laboratory. One of the resulting embryos is transferred into the recipient who will carry the pregnancy, and any other viable embryos are frozen for potential future use. After two weeks, a pregnancy test is carried out by the recipient.

Can egg donation help me?

You may be considering using donated eggs to create your family if:

  1. You have gone through a premature menopause.
  2. There is a risk of passing on a genetic disease
  3. Your ovaries have been affected by chemotherapy or serious illness
  4. You have had IVF treatment, but repeated cycles have indicated poor egg quality
Egg Donors

Need an Egg Donor?

Mamamia ART Bank offers a comprehensive egg donor program tailored to those facing challenges conceiving with their own eggs. As the pioneering and longest-standing donor bank in India, we are dedicated to supporting you throughout your donor journey, whether you choose to use a known egg donor, such as a sister or friend, or if you prefer to explore the possibility of finding an egg donor through us.

For further details and inquiries, we encourage you to reach out to your fertility specialist or contact us directly at 7594911000